Tuesday, December 8, 2009

About Me! The Country Wife!

Howdy. I’m Angie Mae, The Country Wife. Welcome to the country!

I’m a twenty-something country girl and a newlywed! My husband grounds me and is helping me determine what I really want from my life. Yep, as of right now I have no idea. Seems like a shame, to be so blessed and so lost. This blog will let me vent through life. My plan for 2010? Learn to cook--no really cook. Like here's my fridge and there's the table and something great makes it there. I'm also going to get another bachelors degree. That's right--another one.

And I want to learn piano. You know those old movies where everyone gathers around the piano and plays a song... I want that. Well of course with kids and a family but I think it's possible.

Well... let's see how it goes... Only 388 days to go!